Our mission is to empower survivors of domestic and family violence to recover from past trauma, rebuild a safe and healthy environment, and establish a lifestyle of stability for themselves and their children, sparking hope for a better tomorrow.

  • Victim Advocacy  

  • Assistance Navigating Court/Legal Systems

  • Safety Planning

  • Appointment Accompaniment 

  • Holistic Long-term Action Plans 

  • Connections to Community Resources 

  • Human Trafficking Assistance

Contact Us

Program Director: Danielle Brown

Email: connect@unitedadvocacygroup.org

Phone: 856-243-5810

Services Provided:

  • Financial Education

  • Credit Recovery 

  • Career Coaching 

  • Housing Solutions 

  • Child Focused Advocacy 

  • Application Assistance for Victims Compensation Fund

Mission: To empower survivors of human trafficking through education, advocacy and support. We strive to free individuals from sexual exploitation, equipping them with the tools to reclaim their lives with dignity and to inspire resilience for meaningful change.

Human trafficking is the exploitation of a person for the purposes of a commercial sex act, labor or services through use of force, fraud, or coercion. It is not confined to particular demographics; anyone can become a victim, regardless of age, gender, socioeconomic background, or citizenship. The complexity of this issue often leads to misconceptions and misunderstandings. It is often thought of as an international issue, but that is not the case. Due to New Jersey’s dense population and prominent location along major interstates, our state is considered particularly vulnerable to the proliferation of human trafficking. In New Jersey, more than 400 trafficking victims are identified each year. At UAG, we are working to combat human trafficking and to help victims reclaim their freedom. Our trained Advocates provide confidential, non-judgemental individualized services, as they help survivors to identify goals, work to remove barriers, and provide long-term holistic support. We work to empower survivors of human trafficking to live healthy, flourishing lives.

Services Provided: victim advocacy, confidential support, crisis intervention, safety planning, appointment accompaniment, emergency shelter assistance, court and legal advocacy/accompaniment, employment and education assistance, and financial education.

Igniting Hope’s Holistic Advocacy for Survivors of Human Trafficking

Igniting Hope offers free, personalized, and confidential one-on-one life coaching and supportive, wrap-around services for individuals and families that have experienced domestic violence.

Our trained Family Advocates help survivors to identify goals, work to remove barriers, provide long-term support and holistic advocacy to help during  their healing process.

We work alongside of families on goal areas such as financial recovery, emotional/mental wellness, housing, and building a support network. Our Advocates also help parents to address their children’s mental, educational and relational barriers resulting from the experienced trauma. 

Additionally, we provide accompaniment to court, police stations, school and other family appointments to help  navigate relevant resources and services.