Unidos Para la Familia

Partnering with families to achieve their goals


Mission Statement

To strengthen the immigrant, working-class population by providing training and support to parents to promote child wellbeing and stronger families through financial stability, improved resident status and the development of community leaders.


Vision Statement

Unidos para la Familia works together with the families they serve to strengthen the whole family and in doing so will open doors for better jobs, home ownership, community gardens and a strong community that is developed to organically respond to their needs and the needs of those around them.


Strategic Objectives

Unidos Para la Familia aims to (1) provide innovative solutions for families with housing needs to promote family stability and safety and (2) provide the education and support necessary for families to improve their earning potential and their interpersonal relationships through increased engagement.

Program Courses

Unidos meets the basic needs of the immigrant, working-class population in Cumberland County and beyond by providing various services targeted towards opening doors for individuals and their families to succeed.  These services include:

HSE Classes are offered in Spanish

HSE Classes are offered in Spanish

Conversational ESL classes for all levels

Conversational ESL classes for all levels

U. S. Citizenship tutoring available

U. S. Citizenship tutoring available

Family Advocate assigned to each family

Family Advocate assigned to each family

Contact Unidos Para La Familia

Isis Sosa: Program Contact


Website: unidosparalafamilia.org