These are some key questions to consider as an organization as you think about how best to protect your investment in your employees and show that you value them and their contribution to your organization.
The value of being an organization that is considered by employees to be a great place to work and a place that looks out for the employee's overall well-being is priceless.
Revive South Jersey and United Advocacy Group have been working in the family advocacy and life coaching space for the last seven years refining a model that proactively helps families set and meet goals and helps them prepare for and respond to crises when they occur.

Choose Your Package.
Package - A
What’s included:
Company orientation meeting for all employees to roll out program
Initial informational intake and goal setting – 30 minutes
Continuous support via email
2 total hours per year of phone/video meetings to discuss individual/family goals/needs
Additional meetings available at $50/hour in 15-minute increments – can be covered by company or employee
Opportunities to connect to ongoing financial literacy small groups
Connection to counseling professionals
Connection to community resources
Package - B
What's included:
Package A, plus
1 hour per employee per month of phone/video meetings to discuss individual/family goals/needs
30-minute monthly Zoom informational meeting or workshop based on topics of interest/need expressed by employees